Tag Archives: B14

Daredevil cycling..

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Thanks to Kyle from B14 News for bringing this to my attention.

In the pictures above is a classic example of what cyclists are up against. It is the latest in Birmingham City Council’s “attempt” to make cycling safer on the Queensbridge Rd/Reddings Rd/Russell Rd/Moor Green Lane roundabout.


I’d be safer if I was dangling 100 feet in the air held by a dodgy rope above some rusty spikes!

Whilst I sort of admire the council’s attempt, looking at the layout of these “safety lanes”, it not only makes it dangerous for the cyclist but also baffles the motorist!

In the second picture, look how the car has to swerve INTO the cycle lane to get around the island. Now imagine you are on your bike when that happens. Where would you end up? On the bonnet of the car? Flat on your back on the street? In A&E at the Q.E Hospital?

Probably all three.

So really, for me, the only winners here are the doctors and nurses of Q.E – at least they will get to put into practice all of their training on more injured cyclists.


Quick update to this – I’ve just seen this story on BBC News about how London maybe getting Dutch roundabouts for cyclists. Maybe someone from Birmingham City Council needs to be at that meeting !!