Tag Archives: Sustrans

What is thy bidding, my master?


Well, it comes in the form of this rather smart looking PDF.

If you are as anxious as I am for Birmingham to get a hold of the Government money we are bidding for, and if you haven’t already done so, take a look at the proposal that Birmingham City Council has put forward to revolutionise our cycling infrastructure.

It’s impressive and details their plans for what will be a radical overhaul of cycle routes into and out of the city.

I must admit, on first inspection, I was a little baffled by the maps, but taking a closer look, you can see where the improvements are planned.

There is also a video in which several people such as Councillor James McKay, Chief Executive of Birmingham City Council Stephen Hughes and Yvonne Gilligan, regional director of Sustrans, explain what this bid could mean for cycling in Birmingham.

As I have said on several occasions, it is vital that Birmingham concentrate all efforts to secure this money from government and plough it into making this city as cycle-friendly as possible.

We are more than a motor city – “Britain’s Detroit” if you like; so with the right investment and the right people at the helm, this could indeed be the start of the cycling revolution….

So click the link, read the report, watch the video…..tell me what you think…

“Boris Bikes” for Brum?

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I saw these bikes being assembled outside the Town Hall in Birmingham on Friday evening and wondered to myself “Are we getting Boris Bikes?” The idea has been floated around for some time (see link below) but no firm plans as yet.

Unlike Boris’s Bikes in London which has cycle racks scattered about central London, the City Council, Centro and cycling group Sustrans are looking at the automated hire of folding Brompton Bikes available from lockers, likely to be based at or near New Street Station.

These would be particularly aimed at visitors and commuters coming into the city centre to borrow for short trips around.

Click here to read the article from the Birmingham Mail