Tag Archives: Shopping

Gawdon Bennet! Get yerself daahhhn ter the bloomin’ east end, me old china!!

Anything planned for this weekend?


Why don’t you get yourself down to East London and check out Spin London, the world’s first urban-focused bicycle show. It’s showcasing the latest in pedal-friendly clothing and accessories. Also on hand is a frame lab so you watch bikes being built and they also have a cinema that’s powered by pedal power!

Click the link to see who’s exhibiting at the show. I have and there are some really cool things – expensive but cool ! Tickets are only £7.00 – that’s about the same as 2 lattes at Starbucks! Or 7 useless items from Poundland….

As for me? Well, I’d love to go but unfortunately, that grass ain’t going to cut itself….. 😦