Tag Archives: Patrick McLoughlin

Roll Up!! Roll Up!! The Circus is in town…



What would you spend £165 million pounds on?

A private island? Your own football team? Teeth like Simon Cowell?

How about an improved infrastructure to put more cars on our roads? No? Well that’s just what the Government are about to do in a scheme announced by Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin. This report from the BBC News website details the government’s plans to try and ease traffic congestion on our roads.

How are they going to achieve this marvellous piece of wizardry you ask? Well, the Transport Secretary says the scheme will “target key bottlenecks around the country, making life easier for the thousands of motorists and businesses who use the local road network every day.”

Well, this is tremendous I hear you all shout – better roads…that should surely mean better cycle paths. Yes?

Erm…not quite.

Although Birmingham will be getting about £30 million pounds of this “treasure chest” of cash, they have already earmarked it for the following areas –

1. Bordesley Circus: A4540 Watery Lane Middleway / B4128 Coventry Road / A45 Small Heath Highway

2. Haden Circus: A4540 Belgrave Middleway / A4540 Highgate Middleway / A4167 Highgate Road / A435 Haden way

3. Holloway Circus: A38 Suffolk Street Queensway / Smallbrook Queensway / A38 Bristol Street / B4127 Holloway Head

4. Ashted Circus: A4540 Lawley Middleway / B4114 Jennens Road / A4540 Dartmouth Middleway / A47 Nechells Parkway; and,

5. Curzon Circle: A4540 Lawley Middleway / B4132 Vauxhall Road / Curzon Street.

No mention of improving the cycling or cycle paths. Sorry cyclists….

Just a thought though – you will notice that the most of the areas mentioned are called “Circus” – and for me, that’s exactly what this reminds me of – a whole lot of “show” and not a lot of enjoyment.

Billy Smart must be spinning in his grave…..